Urban Garden Ministry

This is our 4th season of our Urban Garden Ministry and everything continues to grow – both spiritually and physically.  We not only plant seeds in the ground but more importantly we are planting seeds in each child’s heart about the great love that Jesus has for each of them.  Weekly, inner-city kids and volunteers have the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better while working side-by-side in the raised garden beds.  At the field, we work hard but sometimes we get a break.  We’ve had special visits from horses, get to ride in Mr. Rich’s tractors, eat fresh raw sweet corn in the field it was grown in, enjoy Culver’s lunch when we get rained on, and we have a time of devotions before eating our grilled lunch.  Check out our calendar and see if you might want to come hang out with us for a few hours – no experience needed!  Just bring your smile and listening ears!


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Interested in Serving With Us?

We always welcome additional volunteers who are willing to serve with us to support our mission.